Sunday, November 21, 2010

A much needed long post.

**runs in from writing** Wew. I just made 35,000. Yeah I'm right where I should be. But I wanted to be farther! I wanted to be at 45,000. **sighs** Oh well. I didn't get to write on the 19th, so that put me behind. **Frowns** But I've caught up, just not as much as I wanted to. Ooh. Now that I sit down to write a much needed long post, I simply can not think of anything to say. Lets see.. Thanksgiving is four days away. My grandparents from Michigan are coming and staying a few days. We get to see them twice a year. Thanksgiving and Easter. What are you doing for Thanksgiving? I'll be writing. As usual. **can't wait until November is over** I made Baklava yesterday. No reason, other than because everyone wanted it. It was yummy, as usual. We haven't eaten NEAR all of it though. When I make it, I make a great big pan of it. **nods** Goodness. I can't think of anything to post. Hm. Oh yes. I'm holding off the photography contest for a little while, just until I get a few more people to enter. So maybe the week after Thanksgiving I will pick the finalists :) I have four MAYBE five people entered. All lovely pictures, but I would like a few more people to enter! This is random and weird. But I have a weird habit of rocking my neck back and forth while writing. I do it quiet often, like right now, I just started to rock my neck. Huh. Oh well. Did I ever post on here that Micah started walking? Well, if I didn't.. Micah's started walking! He's so cute how he toddles around. Though he sure gets into things. I can hardly keep up with him. Like today for instance. I was holding Micah this afternoon, but he wanted down. So I set him down next to dad and went into my room to write. I turned the laptop on, and turned because I heard a noise. Micah was standing right next to my shoulder! HOW he gets around so fast, for walking so slow, I have NO idea. So I took him back out into the living room, and set him on the couch. ( He knows how to get off and on the couch, which is totally adorable). I went back in my room, then decided I needed a drink. I went out into the kitchen, and he was under the table! His little legs must be super fast. Its surprising how a little guy like him can get around SO fast. Anyway. He's so cute. And he's mine. All mine! This isn't near as long as I wanted it to be, but it will have to do. We put the outside Christmas lights out today. ( We being Dad and Joshua, I was the supervisor). Usually we do it after Thanksgiving, but its going to be very cold Thanksgiving weekend. ( The coldest Thanksgiving Oklahoma has had in 15 years O.o)
So Joshua and Dad put them up today. They look loverly. I like them up early anyway. And I think thats it. I designed a LEGO house today. The house has 10 bookshelves. **nods** I love my books. Even if they are just LEGO books. Yep. Thats it.
Oh, another thing. I'm thinking about changing my blog around. ( Don't worry, not the template or anything! I like my template TOO much!)
But thats about it for now. I'm going to head off to bed soon. Guten Nacht!
Blessings in Christ,


  1. Actually in the second picture, it is my friend Victoria. Can I enter that picture even though I changed it to black and white? :P So, when you are done with your story, do I get to read it? Can I design the front cover? :O Whats the weather like down south? ITS SNOWING! YAY! I need a new winter coat though...otherwise Willow will be in a very depressed and emotionally unstable state.

    God bless :):):):)

  2. Yay, I get to do the front cover! :):) Haha...I love the cold! Its awesome :) It snowed a bit today, but I didn't go out for much of it. How often does it snow down there? It usually snows every winter, but you Southerners stole our snow last year :P
