Thursday, March 31, 2011

A conversation between Rachel and I, while climbing a tree

Rachel wanted me to climb her "special tree" with her earlier this evening. So I went with her. (I have climbed this tree before, I don't know why she wanted me to do it tonight!)
We have quite a few pine trees on our property, and her "special tree" just happened to be a pine tree. I don't mind climbing pine trees, but they are definitely not my favorite to climb. Too much sap! And we were going to the top. Great view up there...

Rachel : "Just go this way, and you won't get stabbed by branches"
Me : "My hair is stuck!!" (Yes, I have a habit of that happening)
Rachel : "Careful, this branch is about to break."
Me : "If I break my neck, its your fault."
Rachel : "Okay!" (She snapped the branch in half."
Me : "Uh huh. And how do I get up now?"
Rachel : "Swing up on that big branch."
Me : (I placed my hands into a great big branch of sap.)
Rachel : "Oww! My hair is stuck!"
Me : "Yick. I have sap all over my hands, and my hair is still stuck."
Rachel : "I got it! I'm at the top."
Me : "Great. I'm going to climb my own tree."

Then Rachel started talking with a British accent about sap in her mouth, and I said something in German... Then it took me ten minutes to get down (My hands were sticking to everything I touched, and it was difficult getting my hair unstuck with sap on my hands!)
Took her forever to get out of the tree. (She had made it to the top.) I then talked her into going to take pictures with me. Sadly, we didn't get very good ones, my older brother, helped us.
(In an annoying sort of way.) See!

Yeah, thats my brother. He wouldn't let me post any other picture of himself.
Random post.



  1. are too funny, Anna! <3 I loved that little story..sounds like both you and your friends have fun together with "your trees!"

    YES, I did get you e-mails...and you latest letter...and I am SO very sorry about the delays!! Urrg. I feel awful!!! I have been SOOO bogged down with school lately, it's not even funny..:P But, I am finishing up a 50 page letter (YES, 50!!) to one of my dear pen-pals, and am ALSO in the midst of beginning your letter, Miss Anna! I hope to get it sent off soon. <3

    In Him,
