Friday, May 13, 2011

Adorable. Little. Squeaky. Fluffy.

Well, we got more chickens.
And the black one's are a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e.
But I can't tell them apart, they all look the same..
So these are the nameless chicks.
Enjoy :-D

He was very tired from his long journey.

These are my six. But like I said, I can't tell them apart, so maybe Rachel's chicks are my chicks?
I forgot how small and fluffy they can be
Some of them kind of looked like Jeffery, but Jeffery was smaller than all of them. I think Jeffery shall be the smallest chicken we have..


  1. Awwww, so adorable!!! <333 *wants to squeeze the chicks in a big hug* :D

  2. They'z cutiez!!

  3. Very cute!! We just got chicks last month too!

    I love vintage-y pictures too - I love everything vintage!

    Thank you for following me, I'll add you to the blogs I follow too.

    Have a wonderful evening!


  4. Awww... there so adorable, Anna! Our chicks are almost all grown up now... its extremly sad. But they still fall asleep on our laps. That is very funny about Buttercup-Boy, I will have to tell my sisters about that!

    How are you enjoying Pride and Prejudice?

