Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A picture loaded post [Part 6]

this was Tuesday. we went to mooville. in other words, we went and got ice cream. ice cream that had caffeine in it. caffeine. I like that word. a lot.

Rachel cracked me up when she sat on the barrel and posed like this.

half of my ice cream. I had eaten half of it before I decided to take a pictures.
the flavor is Java Chip. caffeine. again. I like that word.

Rachel held my ice cream while I took this picture. its harder than I thought, taking a picture and holding an ice cream cone. especially since it wasn't on auto focus. my bad.

Elijah made a bigger mess than Micah!

Grandma and Aaron

Dad was teasing me and said the cow's name was Annabelle.


Okay. this pig freaked me out. you'd walk near his pen, and he'd [she?] squeal and run towards you. and follow you around the pen. Micah had a weird fascination with the pig. I don't like pigs

O.o his teeth...

ahaha. you'll never guess who this is.

Justin Bieber!

One more post after this =)