Monday, December 12, 2011

a post, from Rachel!

This wasn't my idea. Anna wanted me to make a post. I really don't know what to say. Actually Anna forced me to. She didn't shove me in the chair and say "Make a post" she just told me to please make a post so you see I was really the one who made the decision. Now do you see what I mean? It's really confusing. Okay, back to I don't know what to say. I had a blog, but the site that it was on changed. So I don't have one now. It was called Always Little. A friend made the template for me and that was deleted. I was so sad when I saw it. And all of my posts were deleted. I think you get the picture. Micah, one of my little brothers, is so cute! He's the cutest baby ever! He has curly blond hair and the bluest eyes and the cutest smile. I need to go. Bye!

and that concludes Rachel's post..

[i have decided. If I can't figure out what to post about, I will force ask one my siblings or parents to write a blog post for me]


  1. I'm commenting on my own blog..

    danke, Rachel ;)

  2. I made that template for you, I think. :) Nice little post, Rachel! Do post again soon! :D
