Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Just a random post!

Well! Hello again my blog readers! I still haven't gotten two of my pages up! I've been having a hard time with the writings one, and the about me one is coming along slowly. Very slowly. I was hoping to get it done last week, but as you can see, it isn't happening! I'll try to get it up soon! I'm going to be putting some more graphics on my graphics page, so I'll have lots of graphics! ~

I went to the Science Museum, yesterday. They had a segway course there. It was awesome riding it!
( The picture below is a segway)

It was lots of fun! I thought they would be hard to balance on, but surprisingly it was very easy. To make it go you lean forward, which makes the wheels go forwards, and you lean backwards to go backwards! And then to make it turn, you twist the handle bars left or right, and lean with it! Took a few tries, but I got the hang of it! They are lots of fun!

I suppose I should tell of something I learned at the science museum also, instead of just rambling on about the segway! One thing I learned was that when you balance on something, you are using part of your brain called cerebellum! They had a thingy there, that you could balance on, and see how long you could balance. It was kinda hard! But still fun! I also lay on a bed of nails! You lay on this plastic board, with holes in it. Then you push a button and the nails slowly come up. It was very interesting! And didn't hurt if you didn't move! :) They also had a room of mirrors ( A Maze) and I took my little brother Aaron through. It was hysterical watching watching him bump into the mirrors, trying to get out! He saw my mom in one of the reflections, and went running to her, but rammed into the mirror! Twas Funny! :)
One more thing, then I shall stop talking about the museum! Joshua and I helped make a newspaper tower! It was really tall! It was not quite 6' feet! Lots of fun to make! ~

Next subject! This is turning out to be quiet long! I like making long blog posts! Joshua got a snake a few weeks ago! If you didn't know that :) We got a rat for it on Saturday, but the snake didn't want it! ( We figured out the snake is molting, and snakes usually don't eat when they are molting) So we've had a "pet" rat for a few days. The little kids and Mom have really enjoyed it! ( Yes Mom! She likes holding him! ) I named him "Speckles" But Joshua named him "Lunch meat" but the little boys insist its "Munch meat". So cute! But we know someone else who wants the rat, so he's coming tonight to get it for his snake. The little kids are playing with "Munch meat" right now. They actually have him on the piano! ( Now they have him on the living room floor :) ) They're sad the rat is leaving! I am now holding the rat :D ( Rachel is showing me how he can roll!) ~

This is just a random thing, but Miss Emma and I are now writing letters to each other!

Anyway. I guess I shall end this post here! It was a fairly long post! I didn't think it'd be this long!

God Bless!

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