Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Poor Pastels!

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**Sniffs** As you can see from the picture my pastel's got "dropped" from the cupboard. So now they're in pieces and mixed. Still usable, just not pretty ;) Annyyyway. I like drawing ONCE in a while, and decided I'd draw something today. I drew a comet. I liked how it turned out, but I couldn't get a good picture of it. Poor Pastels.... All broken and mixed together. **Frowns** The orange is a nasty color. I still like them. You should have seen my fingers after I used them. I would have taken a picture, but I didn't want to touch the camera :D ~

New Subject. I love switching from one subject to another! Haha. My sisters came home yesterday with quite a few Silly Bands. Yeah. Silly Bands. Very, erm, interesting. I don't have any. Abi got some for her birthday in July, but we didn't have any others. Then they went to a friends house and came back with some. Hehe. One of my friends friend has over 500 silly bands. Yes I said 500. Really. 500. Who needs 500 little plastic arm bands? **shakes head** I have no idea why. Silly Bands. ~


Whoah. Two pictures! I just have to show you ONE more, I took it at the Zoo the other day.
TaaDaa! Do you like it? My mom wants me to enter it in the Zoo photography contest. I might...... I've been trying to get a picture of a Monarch butterfly for quite a while! But they never stay still for me! There was tons of Butterflies when we go to the butterfly garden, but none of them would stay still. Luckily I could snap a few pictures of this butterfly! It stayed there for a while, I was happy! ~

There :D My second post in three days. Not bad. Just another random post. :D
Now I have nothing else to post about. Actually, I do have lots of stuff to post about, but I'm going to go work on my About Me page!

God Bless!


  1. Fun post, Lauren! I'm sorry about your pastels..=( And, haha! EVERYONE has those armbands now, it seems...but they're soo cute! 500???!! WOW!!


  2. P.S. (And I would 8love* for you to put my button on your blog! It's all the way at the bottom of my blog...Just scroll alll the way down!)

  3. Ah, yes... Silly Bands... everywhere I see little kids, I can't see their arms. They're always covered in Silly Bands.

    That picture you took of a butterfly is absolutely beautiful! I really like that photo. =D

    Oh, I'm sorry your pastels got messed up. =( That is no good...


  4. Aww, sorry about your pastels! Btw I've never seen pastels before. =P But they look interesting.

    Beautiful butterlfy picture, Anna! Good shot too! =D

    Love ya!
