Wednesday, April 6, 2011

He's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!

Most of my blog readers know I've moved out to the country. (Hurray!) And once you move out to the country, you have to get chickens. Right? Right. So early this morning, I set out with my two sisters and my mom, to go chicken shopping. We ordered some chicks from another "store" online, but they aren't going to be in until May. We, of course, wanted some before May. I wouldn't be posting this, if we hadn't gotten any, but we did get some. Eight to be exact, just for starters. One of the bins at the store had these teeny tiny little chicks. And me being me, I went for the smallest they had. Jeffery. One reason he caught my eye was, because he was the only one with stripes. (Like a skunk!) He's tiny! So very tiny, he likes being held. I held him in the car on the way home, the other "big" chicks, were picking on him. (I was perfectly happy with holding him)

Here are all the chicks.
Can you guess which one is Jeffery?
(Yes, I name my chicks!)
The small striped one of course.
The one with the Egyptian like makeup eyes?
(Yeah, that's what it reminded me of >.<)
Rachel and Abi got one of the same breed
but they are much bigger than Jeffery.
(The brownish color one's are silkies.
I can't remember what breed Jeffery is.)
Side view.
He was trying to sleep in the car!
Aren't his stripes cool?
You can tell in this picture how tiny he is!
So, here's Jeffery. He's mine ♥

I think everyone else named their chicks something like Rocky (Elijah), Corn (Rachel), ButterCup (Abi), Colonel Sanders and Church (Joshua) And Aaron's.... Well Aaron's is Rainbow. Once we get the other fourteen chicks we ordered, I'll be naming mine Squishy, Saute', Yellow and Popsicle. I'd also like to name one or two Cappuccino (Call her/him Cap) and Mocha (Mo)

These chickens aren't meat chickens. Especially not Jeffery. >.< But next year, we will be getting meat chickens... But for now, we'll stick with the layers.

What do you think of Jeffery?



  1. OH MY WORD! <3 <3 <3 Sweet widdle chicky!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. There're soooo cute!!! I LOVE chicks. All we have right now is chickens. . . like 200 of them.


  4. AWW! Jeffrey!! <3 He is SO cute. :-) And I love that you got fluffy chicks; my Mum wants to get some when we move. ^_^ Doodads. What does WMMM think of the chickies? <3

  5. Awwww! They're so cute!
    It does look like Egyptian eye makeup!

    ~ Chy

  6. Oh man, they are SO cute it hurts!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

  7. AWE!!! I love Jeffrey!! He's adorable!! ITS SOOO FLUFFY!!!!

  8. OH! How adorable! (I am slighly envious.... we aren't allowed to have chickens where I live.) I love your Jeffery! XD So cute!

  9. Aww, *cries* I miss my chickens and chicks!! *sniff*

    Your chicks are so CUTE!! *grins* I like the look of Jeffrey. :) Hehe, we also named our chickens. ;)

  10. Aw those are sooo cute! My neighbors just got chicks but they're not that little anymore, haha. :)

