Saturday, February 5, 2011

Once again...

I'm writing a short/random post about nothing. I don't have time to write much right now. We're actually moving (More on that later) and I'm busy writing. I've had a ton of ideas lately.. Emma and I have started the 365 days of photography. We started February 1st. You can see our photos HERE. I hope you enjoy seeing our photos pretty much everyday!

Anyway, below are the following "subjects" I will be posting about later on..

*The Bible


  1. Hey Lauren, I really like your template! :D

    Thanks so much for your comment on Ashen Sky Life! I think it's funny that you were writing too! :) I'm not too interested in football, but I was rooting for the Packers, I guess. I didn't care too much. :P I'm still happy they won though!


  2. Ooh, loverly template! And I am STILL trying to get your letter in the mail. It's either the rain, or I'm gone away, or something stupid like that that keeps me from mailing it. It's been finished for days! :(
