Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lunar Eclipse and Chocolate. (Lovely title, Eh?)

Two of my loverly friends have posted about the Lunar Eclipse. You can read their post's here and here. I might as well blog about it also. I had a friend sleep over last night. (We had a blast by the way, we're writing a play <3 We watched a movie and had some eggnog, then went to bed. Mom asked us before we went to bed, if we wanted her to wake us up for the Lunar eclipse. Of course! ( We went to bed around 11:00pm) Abi and Rachel ( My younger sister's) were going to sleep on their beds, and their beds are close to the floor, so they could still talk with K (The friend) But my bed is the top bunk, so I couldn't talk and have fun! So we decided to pull out the queen blow up mattress. Now, the funny thing about the blow up mattress is, we didn't get to blow it up all the way, because the pump decided to run out of battery in the middle of blowing it up! So I laid on the half blown up bed, and immediately sank to the floor, ( I could feel the floor on my back) Then K got on, and I was lifted up off the ground, but K was laying on the ground. So after much pushing, rolling and shoving, we lay perfectly still on our backs, and we were both lifted off the floor. The trick was to distribute our weight evenly. That was lots of fun. The idea of staying up all night popped into someone's head ( As it usually does at a sleep over) but I kindly disagreed with that idea. Then the idea popped up to stay up until the eclipse. But at 11:30pm we all were half asleep, and could hardly keep our eyes open. At 1:00 am mom came and got us up. Abi had a hard time getting out of bed, she walked outside, looked at the moon, mumble something and then went back to bed. **laughs** K and I grabbed a blanket just in case it was freezing. It wasn't THAT bad outside, but it was still pretty cold, so we lay on the cold ground freezing and watching the moon. It was fascinating. We watched all of it. After staying out in the backyard for almost an hour, we were freezing and we couldn't feel our toes. ( Being the smart kids we are, we didn't bring shoes or socks out) The last December 21st total Lunar eclipse was in 1638. The next winter solstice eclipse is due in 2094. I shall be gone by then. Now all I want to see is Halley's Comet. That would be awesome seeing it... It arrive in the mid 2061. :-/

Now for the chocolate part of the post. You know, I really am NOT trying to be mean or rude to my readers, but I just can't help sharing yummy mouth watering pictures for the month of December. We do a ton of yummy baking! Hm! Tonight we have a cookie exchange, we were suppose to bring 6 dozen cookies/candies. Ehhh. I said to mom "Please, not mint twists!" Usually when we go to a cookie exchange, we bring mint twist's, but I've made so much this year, I wanted to make something different. So we came up with something else :) We made Lemon cookies dipped in dark chocolate. They are SO very good! We've never made them before, but I will definitely be making them again! And they're pretty easy to make.. Anyway. Here is a picture of them! They turned out super good!

I got most of my Christmas wrapping done today. I still have three or four things to wrap, but I'll probably do those Christmas eve. I like to wait until Christmas Eve to wrap them, it's more exciting in my opinion. I love Christmas time!
Well. That's about it. This is a pretty long random post.. I hope all of my reader's have a Merry Christmas! (I'll try and post again before Christmas)

Gott segne und frohe Weihnachten!


  1. Heh heh, yeah, I was the eclipse too. We looked at it through binoculars, and the moon was orange!
    Darn, the cookies look good.

  2. I would have gotten up at 3 to see it, but it was cloudly that night with snow coming :(

    Cookies look yummy!

