Sunday, December 12, 2010

Music, Boots and Christmas.

I would say the title says it all, but it really doesn't... And besides, you're probably wondering what I meant in the title. I'll start with Family. Even though it is not on the "list". Micah is handing me receipts from my mom's purse, he like's giving things away, but then he wants them back. Anyway... (*cough* he's so cute) Mom, Dad, Joshua and I all spent most of the afternoon playing cards. My grandparents from Michigan taught us a new game called golf. It has nine rounds, so it get's pretty long sometimes. Joshua was being very, errr.. Sarcastic, maybe? But he was making us all laugh. Then Mom and Dad taught Joshua and I a new game, but I forgot what it was called. Its lots of fun though, little confusing. Heh. But thats what we did this afternoon. We had Christmas music playing and a fire crackling in the background. (But I'm warm now).

Now for the Boots part..... I really don't have to blog about this, but decided I would. I got boots yesterday, but I think most of my reader knew that. I like boots.

On my graphics page I put up some new graphics, seasonal, (I'm not done putting up seasonal one's) They'll mostly be the same size. Sooner or later I'll have "pages" of the different sizes, but that is taking a little while to figure out. Usually I can't just sit down at the computer and design, I wish I could, but I can't. Usually when I sit down someone needs me, or the most adorable little face comes and looks at me with a pitiful looks, and he holds out tiny chubby little hands. Oh yeah, I'd much rather have him, then have all the time in the world to design blog stuff. Doodad.

Ah yes. Christmas. I have almost all my Christmas shopping done. Almost all of it. I just need one/two more things, for my mom. Shhhh. In my family, since there is seven of us kids, we draw names, instead of getting gifts for EVERYONE in my family. Though I do usually get something for my mom and dad. This year I got Abi, again. (I got her last year, and the year before). We were going to keep the names we drew a secret, but somehow they always leaked out. So this year we just decided to tell, and not keep a secret. Its easier that way!

Some of my lovely friends gave me some new book suggestions, I've been enjoying some of their suggestion's. Lets see.. There was "Redwall" by Brian Jacques (There is like 22 books in that entire series!) but I'm liking "Castaway's of the Flying Dutchman" better. (By Brian Jacques also) I like reading new books, but its always fun rereading the one's I own and have read before. One book I love reading over and over is "The Princess Bride" by S. Morgenstern a classic tale of "True Love" and high adventure. *Dizzy* I absolutely love that book. The movie isn't all that bad either, but I enjoy the book so much more. Sheesh. Its making me want to read it again, I'll have to reserve it from the library. I would very much recommend it.

This has been a very long random post. Oh, to add another random thing.. Remember the cat Mittens I blogged about? Well she's doing much better. She's eating a lot, and drinking a lot of water, she is now hydrated! (Hurrah!) She's gained half a pound in two days! She laid in the sun all day today, Rachel has been constantly warming a heating pad thingy, and laying the cat on it. The cat adore's it. Rachel is definitely going to be the cats favourite. But Rachel loves cats like crazy, so its not a surprise that she's been toting the cat around and laying in the sun with it. Hehe.

Well. Thats about it. Hopefully you can bear my long rambling post's. "Tis the season for being busy" or "Tis the season for making tons of Candy" December 16th is National chocolate day/candy making day (For my family!) I must be off to a Christmas party now..

Frohe Weihnachten!

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