Saturday, December 4, 2010

"False alarm! As in, Never-mind!"

Wow. I'm actually, blogging. I haven't made a real post in quite some time. And believe me, this shall be a real post. Horribly long. I was going to do a Christmas template.. But decided against it because I had worked so hard on my current template, and I really like it, and don't really want to mess it up. Heh. If you noticed, I put snowflakes on my blog. Hoping Oklahoma will get caught in a blizzard like last year for Christmas. That was fun. We could hardly cross the street it was so bad. I was sad that we couldn't have our Christmas party and my grandmothers (Across the street) because all my other relatives couldn't make it, it was too dangerous to drive in. Oh well.... I wish Oklahoma would get more snow. But then I'd probably be wishing for less snow if Oklahoma got more snow. So confusing. I'll stop rambling.

Now. I finished NaNoWriMo! With a total word count of : 51,658. **collapses** It was insanely fun, but tiring. I'm taking December off writing, I think. Then I'll continue to write in my NaNo novel until it is complete. And I have another novel idea that I"m thinking about, I have a pretty good plot for that.. So, maybe. If NaNo was closer, I might save my novel idea for NaNo next year, but since its a year away, I don't think I can make it. I'll just start writing in January. But thats about it, as far as writing.

Another subject now. This will be a long random post. Christmas. Today my family put our Christmas tree up. That was fun. Pretty much. I kind of dread putting the ornaments on, because everyone wants to put one up at the same exact time. And mom informed me this afternoon that next year I get the job of putting the lights on the tree from now on. Great. Hopefully I do it right, it seems pretty complicated, from my view.. My mom and I went out this afternoon and went Christmas/Grocery shopping. The grocery store was exhausting, there was so many people there! Thankfully we had already went Christmas shopping before Grocery shopping, or we would have never made it Christmas shopping. We came home and put the lights on the tree, then I talked my dad into taking me to Wal-Mart so I get get my little sister's (Abi) Christmas present. (The rest of it that is). We also picked up a box of extra lights, because my mom needed them. After mom put the lights up we put the homemade garland thingy's Rachel and I had made on it. (A picture at the end of the post) Then.... I got the loverly job of instructing everyone on HOW to decorate the tree. The Five and Three year old decided they just wanted to put all their ornaments on one part of the tree. I secretly spread them around, it was funny. Aaron only wanted to put up certain ornaments, he wouldn't put up the one's I gave him, just the one's he picked. Silly little guy. Anyway. That was part of my day, definitely not all of it, that's for certain. Oh, we also listened to Christmas music and drank eggnog. I love Christmas time. I have so many secrets, and I love celebrating the birth of our Lord and Saviour.

December 16th is the annual "Candy making day" for my family. Its lots of fun. We make all kinds of candy! We go over to my Nana's house in the morning, and two of my aunts come also. We stay pretty much all day. We make all kinds of candy, such as spiced pecans, toffee, fudge, covered pretzels, peanut clusters, pecan chew, you get the idea, I assume? Its very yummy!

Oh, I wanted to apologize about my graphics page. It doesn't have any graphics on it right now, but I am currently working on some winter/Christmas graphics! So.. I'm sorry about that, and the new graphics WILL be up soon!

I suppose this will have to do. It does look quite long enough. Oh. I wanted to ask you.... What are some of your favourite family traditions for Christmas? I can't wait to get some answers!

God bless you!

(The picture of the thingy's Rachel and I made)

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